
Hallo zusammen,
ich hatte das Thema zwischenzeitlich etwas vernachlässigt. Ist noch jemand am Ausgang der Sache interessiert?
Die Ferndiagnosen lagen falsch. Um es kurz zu halten: Anbei der gewechselte Schriftverkehr.

Dear Mrs Xxx,

I am afraid I have to refer back to my mail order mentioned in the following. I am very pleased with the pair of shoes received in general, I however am not content with their fit and feel after breaking them in. I am therefore compelled to reclaim them for reasons as follows:

The instep on the left shoe appears to be wider by some margin than the one on the right. This becomes especially visible when using the shoe trees. The right shoe is stretched out evenly, filled out by the shoe tree as desired. Whilst in the left shoe there's a significant amount of air between shoe tree and shoe upper.

Apart from producing an uncomfortable feel whilst walking, this leads to heavy creases on the left shoe [see pictures attached] , which is highly uncommon for the C+J Cordovan quality I am accustomed to and appreciate. The right shoe flexes with large soft creases, as should be. As is, I now own a pair of two vastly differently feeling Cordovans.

A ever so careful polish could not mitigate the deep creases of the left shoe. Which proves the overabundance of room of space/material on the left.

I am saddened, because this leads to a markedly lesser level of customer satisfaction of your product, than I am otherwise accustomed to and highly appreciate.

Is there a way for you to offer me any way of remedying this situation?

Regards, Xxx


Dear Mr Xxx

I hope this e-mail finds you well. We have received the Harlech boot that you have returned to us.

After examining the boots I can tell the uppers on the left foot are a bit “fleshy” which is what most likely have caused the creasing. Our cutters are very skilled at choosing the best parts of the skins for the boots but unfortunately some issues are not visible until the boots is ready made and start to be worn.

With this in mind we have decided to replace the boots for you with a new pair.

At present we have only one pair available and upon inspecting these I have noticed a slight mark in the uppers on the leg on one of the boots and have attached pictures for you to look. It is only a cosmetic issue and will not affect how the boots wear at all.

There is unfortunately no size 9E in production at present so we would be looking at 12-14 weeks before I can get another pair. Due to the factory having been closed for more than 3 months due to the pandemic it does mean delays in production.

I am really sorry about this and hope that you will accept my apologies for any inconvenience this may cause.

I shall await your reply.

Kind Regards,


Eine Reaktion, die keine Wünsche offen lässt. Ich kann den Laden uneingeschränkt weiterhin empfehlen.
Also ein Material- ergo Qualitätsproblem.
Tolle Reaktion des C&J Customer Service!
Ganz sicher ein Materialproblem. So wie ich die Sache verstehe, handelt es sich jedoch nicht um ein generelles Qualitätsproblem. Das Material hat sich anders verhalten, als man dies voraussehen konnte. Aus diesem Shell hätte man vielleicht besser einen Gürtel hergestellt, für einen Schuh waren die konkreten Eigenschaften langfristig nicht geeignet.
Toller Service und danke für das Update! Bekommst Du jetzt noch neue Schuhe oder nicht? Es wäre sehr interessant zu sehen, ob Dir die Schuhe ohne „Materialfehler“ wirklich besser passen und weniger Wellen entwickeln.
Die Abwicklung hatte wegen der bekannten Massenpsychose einige Zeit in Anspruch genommen. Ich erwarte das neue Paar dieser Tage. Wenn sich diese wie der rechte Schuh entwickeln, bin ich sehr zufrieden.