Andreas Gerads

Kleiner Webtipp für Schuhbilder-Freunde:

Ähnlich wie bei Leather Soul Hawaii gibt es gelegentlich einige schöne Bilder von Schuhen zu sehen...

About Leffot
Leffot was founded in May 2008 in the West Village of Manhattan as a “Select Shop” featuring fine shoes for men made by “Shoemakers”. Leffot’s goal is to be at the forefront offering classic styles that represent quality, comfort, and value. Our Motto “Nuquam Jactate” is “Never Boast”, which is to say looking good doesn’t have to be ostentatious.

We believe shoes play a very important role in any wardrobe, from suits to jeans, and if you don’t have on a great pair than you might as well call it a day. That is a major reason why Leffot provides a tightly edited selection of styles. We are great believers in the expression “Less is more”, and we try to make finding the perfect item as simple as possible.

If you are unable to find exactly what you are looking for we specialize in Made to Order footwear. We help you facilitate the process whereby you can create the shoes of your dreams.

In addition we take a serious interest in what else you wear and we actively look for unique accessories to enhance your personal sense of style.

In 2009 Leffot began offering a selection of shoes for women. This was an organic outgrowth based on the comments women made about their love of men’s shoes.

Our goal is to continue to lead the way as trusted advisers for your footwear and accessory needs and continue to present interesting merchandise and events that elevate your personal style.
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