Etymologie 'Polohemd'

Wikipedia sagt: "The name tank top, recorded in English since 1968, is derived from its resemblance to a tank suit, a style of one-piece women's swimsuit with shoulder straps. Its name derives from the 1920s term swimming tank, which is an obsolete term for what is now called a swimming pool."

Die Erklärung ist aber im Gegensatz zur anderen viel zu unmännlich :D.
Wikipedia sagt: "The name tank top, recorded in English since 1968, is derived from its resemblance to a tank suit, a style of one-piece women's swimsuit with shoulder straps. Its name derives from the 1920s term swimming tank, which is an obsolete term for what is now called a swimming pool."
Vielleicht gibt es mehrere Theorien.
Meine stammt von 2 ehemaligen, Gott beschütze, Lehrern die alte Eisen im Verkauf waren.

Erinnert auch an den Trenchcoat. Vom Militär inspiriert.
Wie auch noch einige andere andere Textilien.

Grüße, André.