Bookster Sammelthread

Andreas Gerads

Bookster war mal eine ganze Zeit land sehr beliebt, die letzten 3 Jahre wurde es dann etwas stiller. Heute kam ein Newsletter, dass der Inhaber gewechselt habe. Ich zitiere:
Dear Valued Customer,

As you may know the business has recently been acquired by new owners and we are pleased and proud to announce that we can now receive your orders once again!

Our services include Made to Order, Custom Made, Made to Measure and a new fully Handcrafted Bespoke collection Made in England.

We shall also continue to supply cut lengths of cloth, as in the past, so please contact us with your needs.

We will be constantly adding to our range of models and fabrics, so do consider subscribing for our updates and newsletters. We sincerely hope you will be pleased with the new website and we would welcome your feedback in due course.

Please take the time to browse the site in its refreshed form and do not hesitate to contact us at or call us on +44(0)113 887 8424 with any queries that you may have. We are here to help and provide you with a first rate personal service.

In the meanwhile, we sincerely look forward to being of service to you in the future wherever you may live in the World.

Best wishes,

The New Bookster Team.

Vielleicht kommt ja damit auch das Thema wieder im Forum wieder mehr zur Sprache, deshalb vorsichtshalber schon mal ein Sammelthread. Hatte mir damals eine Reihe von Stoffmustern bestellt, die werde ich nun noch mal rausholen. Das Black Watch Sample reizt mich immer noch...